Signs and
By Lynn
Rapoport |
Best Free Film Noir
Several times a year a
shadowy group of film noir
aficionados operating as the
Danger and Despair Knitting
Circle — a reference, for
novices, to Out of the Past —
surfaces on Thursdays nights to
screen classic, offbeat, and
plain obscure film noir for
everyone's favorite admission
price: free! It's strictly an
underground operation —
reservations are mandatory, and
most screenings take place in
vacant downtown offices — but we
have no complaints. The chairs
are comfortable, most prints are
16mm, and the stuff they show
... Many of the titles never
even made it to DVD or video:
the recent "Poverty Row" series
included a few films that
survive only in the archives of
private 16mm collectors. This
summer expect a brace of
pre-code crime films, followed
by fall's "Film Noir of 1941: A
Look at the Gateway Year" and
winter's "The Red Scare: Those
Nasty Commies in Film Noir."
Looks like our Thursday nights
are booked for the year. E-mail
screenings@hotmail.com or visit
www.noirfilm.com. |